Fine lines

We were inspired by the Wall Drawing series by American artist Sol LeWitt. In these, he drew vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines on walls to create surprising, room-size art. He worked in a temporary medium (walls) and believed that the art existed as an idea that could be replicated on different surfaces. For more information, visit Sol LeWitt Prints.
Fine Lines Arts and Craft for Kids on Easel 

The Setup: 

Cut a large piece of white easel paper and tape off a border with washi or painter’s tape, if desired. (It will give a cleaner look.) Then clip or tape the paper to an easel or wall. Give your child three or four washable markers.

The Project:

 Have your child draw a big, squiggly line at the top of the paper in one color of marker, making sure to go all the way from the left to the right side. Use another color for the second line, following along the first. Continue this way in a repeating color pattern (or not!) to fill the whole page, then remove any tape. (This could take a while—encourage your child to take a break if necessary, or to work here and there over a few days.) How did the line change as he filled the paper?

Bonus Fun: 

Instead of a single line, have your child draw a few geometric shapes at different spots on the page, then radiate the patterns outward on all sides. What will he do when the lines intersect?